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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Newport Syndicate

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM 


Silent Auction

2.18.23 - 2.25.23

Admission Tickets

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Corporate Sponsorship

 Purchase Raffle Tickets

Newport Syndicate

Evening to Treasure is Blessed Sacrament School's signature fundraiser. This year's 30th annual event will be a Casino Night. The evening will include heavy hors d'oeuvres, food stations, an open bar, silent and live auctions, raffles, gaming tables, live entertainment by surprise guests, the Naked Karate Girls band, and more! 

There will also be open seating, with reserved VIP booths for Bet on BSS and All In sponsors.

Now more than ever, we are hopeful we can count on your commitment to helping us reach our goal of raising $150,000.  Your participation in our event will support the infrastructure and quality of education that helps shape tomorrow's leaders.


ATTENTION: There will be no refunds related to the auction or other items purchased or acquired related to Evening to Treasure. When making a purchase or donation, you accept all risks that, regardless of cause, an event, trip, lodging or other item may be cancelled, delayed, rescheduled, or otherwise become unavailable.  You acknowledge and agree that neither Blessed Sacrament School nor any other individual or entity shall be liable to you or any other individual or entity for any such cancellation, delay, rescheduling or other unavailability.

Event Image

Donations and/or checks can also be mailed directly to Blessed Sacrament School with attention to Evening to Treasure c/o Mary Enzweiler. All contributions are tax deductible. Please reference your transaction receipt for more information.


ATTENTION: There will be no refunds related to the auction or other items purchased or acquired related to Evening to Treasure. When making a purchase or donation, you accept all risks that, regardless of cause, an event, trip, lodging or other item may be cancelled, delayed, rescheduled, or otherwise become unavailable.  You acknowledge and agree that neither Blessed Sacrament School nor any other individual or entity shall be liable to you or any other individual or entity for any such cancellation, delay, rescheduling or other unavailability.